How did Paper Suite Invitations come to be?  Well, we were in a position so many of our couples find themselves in: we wanted our dream wedding on a reasonable budget!  This is when we designed our first wedding invitation, our own!  We started our business "Kim Kim Designs" in 2015 and sold customized picture frames on ETSY as a side gig to help pay for our wedding!  A few years later we began designing wedding invitations for friends and family who had loved our wedding invites.  It became really exciting to be able to do something we really loved as our business grew.  We were able to make our side gig a full time reality in 2019 when everything was going great!
Unfortunately in 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic had cancelled or postponed all weddings and social gatherings thus our small business like so many others came to an abrupt halt.  We did however, have the best silver lining.  Our baby girl, Raylie was born in January of 2020.  We used our "stay at home" time to the fullest by bonding and watching our baby girl grow.  While we couldn't work on any weddings for most of the year, once our baby girl was put to bed, we spent hours and hours each night developing a website that allowed our couples to find an invitation of their dreams!  Thus, "Paper Suite Invitations" was launched!
We understand that your invitations are the introduction to your big day!  Your wedding invitation should represent the special couple that you are.  We value quality paper stock, unique design layouts and perfect craftsmanship.  What sets us apart is once you've decided on a design and colors, you will work with a personal designer to finish customizing your suite to your exact liking, no templates are used!  Then your invitation suite is hand assembled by our team!  Every single invitation is made with love by hand.  No mass produced designs, no drop shipped orders from a third party printer.  You can rest assured that your invitations will be delivered to you with a professionalism and precision unmatched by others. 
And, because we are a small family business you can smile at the fact that your order doesn't go into the pockets of a rich millionaire but rather to a little 4 year old's ballet, swim and gymnastics classes!